We are currently the premier wallpapers suppliers in Nairobi, Kenya with over 500 wallpaper designs in our catalogue to choose from.We also do wallpaper installation services to our clients at affordable prices.Our wallpaper designs include 3D designs,bricks,damask,kids wallpapers,Plain designs,stripes etc.We also have wallpaper adhesive in stock

For a best outcome, it is imperative that a good wallpaper product be paired with professional workmanship. We have a qualified installers who handle the installations. Their expertise go a long way in enabling us leave each of our clients satisfied.

Advantages of using Wallpapers
  • It is available in a variety of colors and patterns, including horizontal, vertical and irregular drop designs.
  • A painted wall can deliver color, but it can’t easily achieve a texture or pattern. Our wallpaper will add warmth and character to your rooms
  • Our wallpaper also has a number of performance benefits over paint, including durability (which is cost effective in the long run); it can hide uneven walls or surfaces in poor condition, it is fire resistance, washable, and stain resistance
  • It is easy to install, easy to clean, easy to strip off, stylish, stay with a theme, adds value to the homes.
  • It has a relatively low potential for odors or emissions as compared to paint and protects walls from harsh conditions.
  • Finally, it is cheaper than paint!